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Who would have thought getting a Ph.D. would be so distracting? After dropping off the face of the earth, I wrote my thesis and successfully defended last Friday. I still have things to wrap up (revisions!) but will then take a couple weeks off before beginning a post-doc. I hope I can say that I’m back now, but probably will not be able to return to my previous posting rate for a while—perhaps I can incorporate some of the reading I’ll do getting up to speed for my post-doc into blog posts.

Yesterday I checked up on some of the paleontology journals that have had new issues come out in the past couple months and was elated to find not zero, as usual, or even one or two, but three papers on saber-toothed predators! I will be writing a post about these, and rounding up links to discussions on other blogs.

I’ve been incredibly idle here, so I wanted to give an update. I’ve been working extensively on writing my thesis for the past couple weeks. It’s going pretty well, I hope to have the first complete draft done by the end of next week. I don’t think I need to be in such a rush, but I want to have it hammered out well before my defense. Perhaps then I will be able to post more here. At the moment I’m trying to keep my evenings clear, but after writing all day I don’t have any energy for reading and writing even more!

This has also coincided with a dearth of really interesting papers, although I haven’t really had time to do much more than skim the abstracts. However, this week produced some interesting papers that I’ve set aside for possible later coverage here, unless something even cooler comes up!